COVID-19 and Methodist Homes
Without question, none of us could have foretold the events of our retirement communities, our state, our nation and, indeed, the world, since March of 2020. The residents and families of the many communities of Methodist Homes have faced these days with remarkable patience and understanding. And likewise, the associates across the system have acted with extreme bravery and determination, guided by a caring spirit which is rooted in our very mission. Looking back to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems as though we became acclimated to this significant danger in such a steady and methodical fashion, oftentimes with each day’s news a bit worse than that of the day before. At times, our fears became our realities, and our spirits and resolve were tested in ways previously unimagined. COVID-19 has touched all of us in innumerable ways, all the while exacting tolls on every facet of life as we knew it. But the very illnesses we have faced and the emotional pain borne from the separation of residents and families reminds us all that we must do everything within our power to bring an end to the transmission of this disease. Methodist Homes requires anyone who is hired subsequent to August 1, 2021, to be fully vaccinated, or to sign a commitment to become fully vaccinated within 30 days of hire. Likewise, we continue to offer vaccinations for residents and clinics for long-time associates of our communities in a continuing effort do to our part. As of October 2021, our communities began administering or encouraging booster COVID-19 shots to eligible residents and associates. We continue to follow all the recommendations of all our governing bodies in the efforts to eradicate COVID-19, and protect our residents, associates, guests, vendors, families and more.
If you have any questions about specific policies regarding visitation or the wearing of masks, etc., reach out to your individual Methodist Homes community for the latest information that applies to that community, as our Methodist Homes cross into 2 states and are governed by multiple agencies.
We know we all join together in the hope and prayer of an ending to the pandemic in the very near future, and Methodist Homes encourages everyone to participate in this effort to the extent that they are able.